Survivors Stories
The following stories are told from the perspective of Indian Residential School Survivors. As a part of their healing journey, these Survivors have chosen to tell their stories. Some Survivors have chosen to not speak about their experiences, and we respect this decision.
It is important for all Canadians to hear these stories and to understand what occurred in these institutions.
If you are a citizen of one of the 39 Anishinabek Nation member First Nations and wish to have your story written and shared here, please contact the Anishinabek Nation Reconciliation Manager at 705-497-9127.
Written Stories from Survivors
The following stories are told from the perspective of Indian Residential School Survivors.

Rita Fenton
Fort William First Nation
!...This all stems from our history of the Indian Residential Schools, intergenerational trauma... that's the disconnection from our families........”

Chantal Larocque
Anishinabek Police Service
"...For reconciliation... its always building those relationships and being acceptive of whoever you are..."

Jeff Stewart
Nipissing First Nation
"...The Creator, spirit, or something is telling me...hey, you're doing what you're meant to do...'
The following stories are told from the perspective of Indian Residential School Survivors.
From CBC/Radio Canada – Survivors interviews:
Three Survivor stories including Clifford Quah
Alice Littledeer, Raymond Mason, Madeleine Dion-Stout
Louise Hall
Angela White
Louise Longclaws
Bruce Allan
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Indian Residential, Day, and Industrial Schools
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