Robinson-Huron Treaty Song

Robinson-Huron Treaty Song Nagamon

Big Ideas:

  • The Crown lied about their promises to the Anishinaabek in the treaty.
  • Land was never to be ceded or surrendered.
  • The bad deals have created hardship for the Anishinaabek.
  • Oral transmission of knowledge, history and facts are legitimate ways to share information and are also documented through song.

Prior to watching this next video, it is suggested that you review the previous learning content in the following sections:

Broken Promises

Robinson-Huron Treaty

To follow along with the lyrics, click HERE

Watch and listen to Isaac Murdoch explain the meaning behind the song.

Discussion Questions:

How does the song align with the information presented in the previous sections (Broken Promises and Robinson-Huron Treaty)?

What are some examples of the lyrics “we are wearing bad shoes – we are not walking right” referring to?

What are some of the bad deals that the song is referring to?

Why is it important that Canada and Ontario respect and adhere to the original treaty agreements as stated by the Anishinabek?

How will this benefit everyone in the long run?

Why has Canada and Ontario fought the Robinson-Huron Treaty signatories in court for so long?

Where else do you see examples of Canada fighting First Nations in court (e.g., child welfare)? How are these all examples of ongoing colonialism?

The following slide deck is available for teachers to use: